Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Thinking vs Missing

Wow! Another year has gone by...
Last post was exactly around this time of month too...
What a coincidence πŸ“… 😊

How time flies...
Oh my, glad I'm still able to log on here!
This blog still active πŸ”Œ 😁

Arg....! Just when I eventually spending time here..
Thought my fingers would be dancing over the keyboard
Writing million words ...πŸ“

But ..
Either my brain got stuck or my fingers are numb...
Probably both at this hour...😡


I think I still can smell the lavender!
It's in my head!!!
Why? Hahaha ...πŸŒΏπŸ’­

It's because ...
I've been busy doing a little craft ...
Hopefully the person receiving it will like it as I do ...πŸ’ŸπŸ™†

A break for now....
To myself?
Are you still following this blog? ❓❔πŸ˜…

Merci beaucoup, TQVM πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Un moment si peux-je

Wow, time flies...
How long have I not have the time sitting reading a book?
Too long that I couldn't tell...
How long have I not writing anything on here?
Long enough...
Till I almost forgot I've got a blog...
A moment...
Yeah, I need a moment for myself...
Too occupied, too tied up...
Losing myself..

Saturday, April 06, 2013


A good way to recycle those old shoes huh?
Giving you a 'Like'!

Sunday, November 04, 2012


When I was small, I longed to have a piano. 
But of course, during that period of time, it was unaffordable.
It was something way too luxury by then.
I remembered me visited to a friend's house, saw a piano sitting upright in the living room.
I went to open the lid and ran my fingers over the keyboards....
'Wrong! You placed your fingers wrongly on the keyboard!'
That was the immediate response from that friend of mine.
Hahahahahahahahaha ;)))))
Oh well, we were just a kid...once...

Guess I'm not that eager to learning it...
I probably just enjoy listening to the sound, the melody...
Yeah, music, who doesn't love music? I wonder....
pi·an·o [pee-an-oh, pyan-oh]  (noun, plural pi·an·os.)
a musical instrument in which felt-covered hammers, operated from a keyboard, strike the metal strings.

mu·sic  [myoo-zik] (noun)
an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.
the tones or sounds employed, occurring in single line (melody) or multiple lines (harmony), and sounded or to be sounded by one or more voices or instruments, or both.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Puzzle

A puzzle that I received as a gift.
It's been....
ELEVEN years!!!

I wonder how have you been lately...

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

This Is It!

If you've noticed my previous blog ( en Juin, 2012),
you could compare the 'before' & 'after' ;)
A petit projet that took me three months to complete (x.0)"...
So what's next?
Gift wrapping ...!!
Yeay, gotta go shop for some pretty materials ^^
The room will be less messy (for now)...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Nobody's Fault?

Finally, little piano has her company under a new home!
Something's missing in the piano but nobody admitted their careless mistake.
So, I guess it is actually MY fault for not placing it in a display box......@@?....... @@!
Now, they should be SAFE!

Some people has the courage to do something bad,
but don't have the guts to admit it.
Some people is too chicken-hearted to commit bad things,
but they are brave enough to admit one when they did.

Not accusing anything here...
Just a sudden thought in head.
People is 'interesting' in many way...
That's what makes our life 'colorful'....in a way....

Thursday, July 12, 2012

 C'est la saison pour les lavandes!

Saturday, June 02, 2012

What's Up June?

What's up June?
Working on this little project..
Which I wonder how long it's taking me...
A month or even more...

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

The Coffee Powder

It's Labor Day. It's holiday!
But not for this Coffee Specialist Shop.
I've spent a little time at this place.
Visiting around - how to produce coffee powder!
The uncle was very informative.
Thanks to him that I could now have a real understanding.
All the hard works behind a little cup of nice aromatic coffee!
Learn to enjoy every sip of it.