This cute purple ball flower makes me act like a kid!
So adorable!
The flower I mean.
Pas moi...
So adorable!
The flower I mean.
Pas moi...
It's also called as 'big ball onions', best known as 'ornamental onions'..?
Take a closer look!
It's formed by so many tiny little flowers!!!
Allium 'Lucy Ball' is her name, if not mistaken.
Amazing, non?
You sees nothing if there is only one tiny little fleur.
But together in a spherical heads of bloom, it makes a huge different.
That, one might not have much strength to do much...
But together, we can change the world.
Hold on, what's in your mind?
Just thinking that...
If each and everyone of us care to put a little effort...
In giving more love to our Mother Earth.
That would be a sweet & wonderful thing!