Tuesday, April 05, 2011


Une dame confie à une amie comment se répartissent les dépenses dans son budget: -Je compte 40% pour a nourriture, 15% pour le logement, 10% pour l'habillement; 12% pour la voiture, 18% pour les dépenses diverses (gaz, électricité, assurance, etc) et 15% pour les loisirs; les vacances et les imprévus. -Mais, objecte l'amie, cela fait 110%. -Eh oui! Et c'est bien ce qui me désole.

A lady is talking about her expenses with a friend of her.
Telling her she spent 40% on food, 15% on lodging, 10% clothes, 12% for car, 18% for miscellanous fees like gas, electricity, insurance and etc while another 15% for entertainment.
Her friend replied,'But, that's already 110%!?'
She said 'Oh yeah, that's what bothering me..'

My mind paused half a second after I finished reading this 'joke'.
Thinking about those sad news I heard frequently lately.
Thoughts stirred.

We keep taking things for granted perhaps from our Mother Earth.
How much do we really give back in return?
One day, we gonna have to pay it all...

At once?
It's unknown...

Or, it's already happening now?
Is it too late to know by now?
Maybe, there is a lot more we could offer?

For a better tomorrow...
A brighter future...
Days we could wake up with a smile on our face.

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