Thursday, March 11, 2010

Comme un ami

***image found through internet***

This sentence really got my attention to here:-
"Hey, it has been days it's being this way"
"It's like my friend you know"

Excusez-moi mon ami, mais j'ai trouvé que c'est interrésant.
Je sais que tu connais.
Et oui, c'est toi!

I finds it interesting and funny when those words came out from you.
One that rely on l'ordinateur more than I could imagine.
But yeah, somehow...
I agree...

L'ordinateur est comme une amie pour moi aussi.
It connects me to friends and family I do not see so often...
Somehow, makes life easier...

Addicted to it...
Relying on it...

Not a good sign perhaps...?

Anyway, hope your friend is doing fine lately...
And not acting nasty to you.
Ha =)